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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Kudos for XBOX360 Replacement Process

Aside from my other frustrations with XBOX Technical Support, there is something to be said for the expediance of thier handling of the Red Ring of Death (RRoD) issue I experienced. Their turn-around time was incredible and flawless in execution.

I experienced the RoD on November 20th. I spent the remainder of the evening troubleshooting and called XBOX Support the next morning. They agreed that this was the infamous RoD issue and sent out the shipping box (the so-called coffin). Purolator attempted delivery on November 26th, I picked it up on November 27th at lunch, packed the XBOX up when I got home and returned it to the Purolator depot that evening. I expected a wait of a month or so.

November 28th it was shipped back to me! Yes... The very same day they received it!

It was attempted delivery on November 29th, and I picked it up Friday night!

That is REMARKABLE! They even through in a 1-month card for XBOX Live.



For Sale:
  • 1 XBOX 360, 20Gb HDD,
  • Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (1),
  • 1 wireless controller including batteries and (new) headset.
  • Component/Composite TV/HDTV Cable
  • XBOX Ethernet Cable
(I bought an XBOX360 Elite, I'm waiting on the HDD transfer cable from Microsoft, then the old system is ready to roll to the highest bidder. I wonder when that cable will get here?)

UPDATE: The Transfer Cable/Kit got here Tuesday, December 11th. All went well.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Their system is seriously flawed. Sometimes they take months and other times a day? Microsoft really needs to step up their act

Cameron Stevens said...

Hi Jack,

I have heard of several people with similar results but, if your experience differs, the process may have something to work out. It may be the 3rd party (non-Microsoft) provider in my area (Canada) which is doing such a good job.